Copy that

Copywriting & Content Management

Ah, copywriting. The most chronically under-rated of all the marketing skills.

Spoiler Alert: having a set of thumbs and an A in your English GCSE does not mean you’re automatically a copywriter. It is, and will always be, so much more than just writing.

Need your content bringing back to life? Pass the defibrillator.

We’re ready when you are.

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Knowing how to craft those simple words into a story that speaks directly to a customer’s innate desires is one of the most valuable skills you can have. It’s also essential for any business hoping to sell a product or service.

Whilst stunning designs can catch the eye of a customer, it will be your copy that converts them. Customers are sick and tired of the same old “buy my stuff” spiel that we see plastered across every platform and website nowadays.

  • Great copy makes the customer the hero in every story
  • Great copy makes them feel like it’s been written just for them
  • Great copy never feels like an ad, but more a recommendation from a friend

It’s also one of the simplest ways to increase your conversion rate overnight. In short, it’s really not something you should be half-arsing to save a few quid.

2 Ears. 1 Mouth. That Order.

Over the years, we’ve spoken to so many business owners who know what they want to say, but struggle when it comes to how to say it effectively. The one thing you might not know about the best copywriters is that they are incredible listeners. We’ll take the time to understand what you’re looking to achieve and extract all the juicy information that your customers really need to be hearing. Then we’ll weave your thoughts into engaging stories, articles, posts and blogs all designed to create an emotive response from the reader.

But you don’t buy a Lamborghini just to keep it hidden in the garage.

Once we’ve created all that beautiful content, we’ll then show you how to distribute it effectively across your website, socials, ads and print to drive the best possible results for your business.

Want to speak to one of our word nerds? Get in touch.

Kootoo created our website in 2018 and have been driving traffic to it ever since. The work they do is responsible for a significant portion of our enquiries. I can’t recommend their services highly enough.

— Dan Perry, Managing Director, Perry Testing

Kootoo proved to be a very valuable asset to us at GRID Innovations. We have a small team with limited marketing experience but Ian has been able to plug the knowledge gap by providing us with expert opinions, recommendations and insights to every question or query we have asked of him, with the considered and […]

— Rob Drake, Operations Manager, GRID Innovations

Ian and the team at Kootoo are great. Creative, competitive and dedicated to getting the best possible results for every project, making decisions based on expertise and experience.

— Lizzie O’Neill, Head of Marketing and Communications, The Regenda Group

Impressed? Get in touch.

Let’s hear about you and your next project.
We’ll make great things together.

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